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Typhoo Tea

"Great British tea since 1903" - this is only one of the many popular advertising slogans of Typhoo Tea. But the history of tea began before 1903, when William Sumner and his son John opened a grocery store in Birmingham in 1870. There they sold various products. Around 1900 William Sumner's grandson John Sumner Jr. took over the business and wanted more: ... more...

He wanted to create his own product and bring it to the market. The idea for the popular Typhoo tea finally came from his sister Mary Augusta. She was convinced of a tea made from tiny tea particles, which she drank for digestive problems. From then on John sold the special tea under the brand name Typhoo (from the Chinese word for doctor). Typhoo tea quickly conquered British households. In the online shop of British Shopping you can also buy this traditional tea in Germany.